Hi! I'm Torsten
I grew up in the beautiful Ore Mountains of Germany where I still live. I'm married to my wife Silvia, we have two kids.

In eighth grade I was given a programmable BASIC (that's a language for all those born in this millenia) calculator with a memory of 1024 byte (that's 1024 ASCII characters). Though very limited it allowed me to create useful solution for school and helped me reduce my home work.
After secondary extended school I was admitted to study computer science at Chemnitz Technical University. That is in so far remarkable, as in the last year of school (that was 1988 in East Germany) I was told I'll never be allowed to study as a christian. Just a year later the history of our nation has completely changed and I was able to choose between 3 different universities!
I finished my study in 1996 and started working for a large IT supplier in different projects until 2004 when I started my freelancing career.

I'm a coffee afficionado and I vastly enjoy a good cup of espresso.
I wonder if more than 10 years of Java programming have nurtured this habit...
A few years ago I started my bread baking adventure. After seeing a local baking trainer being interviewed on TV I bred my own sourdough and started. After many mishaps and failed attempts we now mill our own flour and bake our own bread.
Apart from being more healthy this whole process also puts my feet back on reality, especially when most of the things I'm working with are only virtual.

Well, that's a bit about me personally, head over to my consulting page or my resume to learn more about my professional career.
After that, send me an email.